Thursday, 29 May 2014

Snart slutt

Eit nytt innlegg på norsk, ettersom eg vil fortelje litt om korleis det har vore dei siste 10 månadane og uttrykke meg på ein så korrekt måte som mogeleg. Eg har vore idrettsfrivillig i Zambia gjennom Idrettens Fredskorps (NIF og Fredskorpset, med økonomisk støtte av NORAD) og reiser heimover fredag 6.juni. Det har vore eit år med mange opplevelsar og mykje lærdom.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

A day in Mazabuka

After the schools opened two weeks ago I’ve been a lot busier, working as a sport volunteer for NIF and ZAAA, it’s been good, but it’s a shame I’m leaving so soon. Today, Saturday, 24 May 2014, I went to Mazabuka, which is “the sweetest city in Zambia” ‘cause of their sugarcane farming. I was sent there with the 06:30 bus to observe a Kids Athletics competition, you might ask me why I was sent there to observe and not organize, but that is because we don’t always trust it’s done properly...

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Norwegian Constitution Day Celebration in Lusaka, Zambia, AFRICA!

Sunday May 18th
Yesterday, Saturday May 17th, it was exactly 200 years since the Constitution was written in Eidsvold, Norway. Every year we celebrate in our own Norwegian way, which contains of a parade for adults and children, a band playing Norwegians songs (during the parade), singing the Norwegian anthem, eating Norwegian food, playing games, eating ice cream, adults having a glass of champagne for breakfast, and speeches. This year I’m spent the Norwegian National Day in Lusaka, but if you think it would be completely different, then you are sort of wrong!

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Blogginnlegg på (ny)norsk

Sundag 11/5-14

Det har vore lite med blogging den siste tida, og det er forskjellige grunnar til det. For litt over to veker sia fekk eg besøk frå Gudmor Sissel som kom flygande heilt frå Oslo. Ho hadde med seg mykje snadder frå Noreg, bl.a. brunost, bringebærsylte, honning, makrell i tomat, leverpostei, sjokolade og ikkje minst grovbrød! Delar av dette er blitt konsumert av fleire nordmenn i Lusaka den siste tida.